Emily Nenni

Hailing from the Bay Area of California, Emily Nenni grew up listening to the girl groups of the 1960s. Some of her earliest memories were listening to 60s compilation CDs in the back of her parents car on the way to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk. As a young girl, her mother would clean the house to Patsy Cline, and from here her interest in country music began. Throughout middle school and high school her musical tastes only broadened, including Bruce Springsteen (thanks to her Father), and the Kinks (also thanks to her father). Add in some ranchera flair and Frida Kahlo aesthetics and Emily Nenni’s style was starting to form.

After completing a year of school at Columbia College in Chicago, IL country music was still calling her name and Emily decided Nashville was the place to go. The month after she turned 21 she had already found herself in Nashville, on lower broadway, at Roberts Western World. She bribed the doorman with cookies so she could stand by the door, directly next to the band. Those same cookies also bribed the band to let her get on stage and sing. From the moment she opened her mouth the Traditional country crew at Roberts Western World knew they had found another one of their own.

She quickly began recording her first solo album project, all the while playing shows around the local dives of Nashville. With the help of Mike Eli, a local guitar player whom she met at Roberts, the album took shape. Featuring some of the best local players from around the area her first album combines the best of Capitol Records west coast country, the strong female voices of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the sass and abandon of the 1970s outlaw country movement. Emily Nenni is at the same time vulnerable, and strong; delicate and in your face. Her honest writing is accessible and genuine and keeps us wanting more.

In December of 2017 Emily Nenni released her first three singles, including the title track “Hell of a Woman” on all digital platforms.

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